I've been a good parent - cooked dinner, washed clothes and supported the schools. But now my children have left for university, I feel that I don't have to be sensible anymore. This is my time, and I intend to enjoy it.

Monday, 6 August 2007

Global arrogance

At the hotel it is ‘Indian Food Night’, and the Zambian staff are dressed in Indian clothes. Beautiful African girls in saris – is this globalization? My entertainment while I eat this amazing Indian food in this beautiful African hotel is listening to the conversation at the next table. Three young experts from the Middle East and the United States talk about how much they know – it’s amazing.
The reason we got the project, which I worked on, was because I built up a perfect relationship with the client.
Directors don’t have any sense of anything
I was the defacto deputy even though I never wanted that position

Ah, the wisdom of youth - I want to do a Woody Allen and interrupt with some wisdom of my own: Learn what you don’t know.
I feel a little odd sitting in a 5 star hotel with a great meal, a glass of wine and writing in a child’s exercise book, but I ran out of spiral notebooks and this is all I could find at Shoprite.
Doyle arrives tomorrow, and it will be holiday time – a safari, a trip up to my old hospital in the north and then a flight down to Livingstone and Victoria Falls. Doyle really didn’t want to come here – Africa’s never had appeal, he says, but I think he will like Zambia.

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